31 July 2009

Even More Party Pix

You may ask yourself, how does she maintain? How does she keep a smiling face? How does she put up with Spence night after night after night? She's got some deep level of serenity that I will probably never have the slightest comprehension of... Thanks for all your help and encouragement, Bernita... don't think you're off the hook for questions, yet, though.

Yeah... Bernita's still smiling behind him... No, we have no idea what he's doing. Probably very excited to hear that he will be getting bleached and felched later in the morning. Poor Shelley.

I didn't realize I was sideways... the gifts were essentials to surviving Nursing School. Clipboards, pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, highlighters, post-its, paper clips, and smell good stuff (from Amelia, of course), along with NCLEX reviews, NCLEX study cards, a Nurse's Drug Reference.... and a Guide to Surviving Nursing School from Tammy and Mozelle.

Paula... didn't get to work with her for long, but I liked her. She's one of the "workers", never lazy, always helpful, great with the patients.

Mrs. Rhonda B... wow. Now, I was trained before I met her, but Rhonda REALLY trained me on how things really work. A beautiful person inside and out. Always fun. Always funny. Rarely stressed. Flawless in pink.

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