31 May 2009

5 Hour Energies, Sponsees, and Sponsorship From Vegas

Pretty sure I ought to purchase stock in the people who produce 5 Hour Energy shots.

My t0-do list for the day includes checking our Powerball ticket to see if we became millionaires last night, washing my sheets and comforter because they're about ready to crawl off my bed themselves, cleaning my bathroom, meeting up with a new sponsee, and a live-chat with a lady in Vegas to go over a step by phone.

Additionally, I really need to continue the Excel tutorial to make sure I know all the ins and outs of creating spreadsheets so that I will be great at fulfilling the duties required of the position I'll be stepping into at work in the coming days.

This is the beginning of my last week before the start of the summer session. Any chemistry wonders out there who are reading this, let me know. I might need some help with the twice weekly classes that meet in this six week session.

30 May 2009

...and it's tickin away from me...

Post morning cups of coffee, burning incense and flipping through the usual spots online. I'm planning on spending the rest of the morning in pajamas and maybe cooking something for lunch here in a few hours.

I made it through the last two months of People magazines last night and I feel like I'm pretty well caught up on the John Mayer-Jennifer Anniston breakup, the Jon and Kate Plus 8 crackup, and everything that will be coming out in the form of movies, music and books for the next several months. Other than Candy Spelling's Stories from Candyland and Tori Spelling's second memoir (are Mom and daughter just duking it out in their books now?), there's something called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies that I absolutely have to read. It's a guy who has taken Jane Austen's greatest work and retooled it with zombies attacking all the main characters. That's one of my biggest fears, an attack of flesh-eating zombies, so I'm definitely gonna have to see if it's carried at my local Barnes and Noble.

Tivo is pretty much erased. I think I have about six more recordings that include a Trauma, a Code Blue, and at least one more Dr. G. Also, I've got this great book that I remember reading when I was very young, but I'm re-reading it now... maybe for the first time... I don't believe I was in my right mind the first time anyway.

Looking forward to more R and R, a new episode of Harper's Island tonite, and the beginning of the final three episodes of Pushing Daisies that will finally be showing after months of waiting.

Life is good, back's not that bad, Mary Louise is resting. Very nice.

29 May 2009

Restful Relaxation

The errands are run.

The groceries are bought.

The bills are paid, checkbook has been balanced.

Now I'm ready to take a long bath in the whirlpool, hopefully begin a weekend of relaxation.

I've got the next injection scheduled for May 12th. Not within my two week time frame, but it comes just outside the opening days of school. And it's on a Friday, so it's perfect for me to rest over the weekend and hopefully let the medication settle in and do its job.

So I've got an appointment with some bubbles and some books and a big stack of magazines I need to get through before they start collecting dust.

28 May 2009

The Waiting Game

Waiting. It sucks. Why is it that time seems to pass at its norm or at a quicker pace at any time other than when you're waiting for something important? Or when you're hurting...struggling? Ready for a change....

Today, it's word from the Spinal Institute on the status of just what my specialists are planning to do to fully eliminate this back issue that's gone on for way too long and seems to have only gotten worse. No relief. Not even slightly. All I am sure of is that I cannot function through to days of Cemistry for the six week session this summer along with CPR/First Aid, work re-orientation, full time hours, and a new position that I'll be moving into in the very near future.

Just hoping that I won't have to wait for much longer. Furthermore, I really hope that whatever happens next will be the thing that totally erases this problem that seems to be progressive and discouraging.

Right now, I'm just frustrated. And ready for it to be gone.

27 May 2009

Winding Down

Finished with the daily errands and phone calls and appointments and emails and other miscellaneous correspondence that I'm afflicted with on a day-to-day basis. Back to making lists and crossing items off and trying to accomplish this and tackle that. It's the way to go, what works, the best way to live life and manage everything that needs to be done to get from point A to point B.

One more phone call to check on the status of the Spinal Institute if I don't hear back from them first. Time to get a plan on the next option. Just under two weeks between now and the opening of the second six week summer session that brings me Chemistry and First Aid/CPR and the possibility of a major work-related change that may be coming even sooner than the classes. Personally, I think they're way too quick to perscribe meds and offer injections... treating the symptom and no eye on the problem. Just wanting to live a little more pain free... or at least manageable.

26 May 2009


When I originally created this blog, my intent was to be sure that I had a post for every single day since its inception. I realized this morning on my way home from chairing my home group that I failed to post something for yesterday. Although I really don't have any wild or wonderful thoughts, I still wanted to put something out there on the net.

It's getting pretty close to my bedtime, and I still have a stack of novels sitting beside my bed that I've promised myself I would get through before June 9th when school resumes for the summer. Also, Mary Louise has had some intensely neurotic behaviors lately, and she's squished up between the arm of the sofa and my body kinda whining for me to get ready for bed so we can both get under the covers and sleep. She's been off schedule for a while and this will be her first week back to some semblance of normalcy.

Called the Spinal Institute this morning to tell them that the injection failed to meet with the promises that were made, and I'm waiting to hear back from someone on just what the next step of the plan will be.

Also waiting to hear back from work about this potential position I'm planning to step into sometime in the near future. Maybe I'll write more later...when I feel more inspired. Either that or I'll have to get busy snapping some more photos with my camera.

24 May 2009

Closing Up the Convention Pix

The T-shirts were in my possession from the time I arrived. Heather, Krissy and Sllim helped me market several to begin raising Camp Recovery fundage.

Krissy: the ultimate salesperson.

Katherine with Kent. Don't really know him very well, but he seems chill.

Aren't they sweet?

Katherine looks on as her sponsor monitors T-shirt sales.

23 May 2009

Pretty Sure This is My Last Post For the Night

Once again, me looking fabulous.

Cory doesn't think he takes great pix. However, I think this is a pretty nice one. Great lookin guy.

A GREAT photo of Katherine with Will. Just so you know, this is THE GUY to take in a slasher movie with if you ever get the chance.

Katherine. Did you know that we knew each other way back when we were just kids. Long before we ever did the stuff that would eventually rekindle our relationship. Kinda cool how life works.

Another snap of pre-banquet conversation. Look closely at the rear of the room as the paparazzi fight to gain entry and take photos of the superstars inside.

Even More Banquet Pix

Not the best table...only because I wasn't sitting there. Otherwise, I guess this is a pretty nice group.

Josh looking down at Krissy's recently snapped photos.

Josh smiles as the paparazzi clamour for photo opportunities just outside.

The paparazzi break into the room and begin snapping pictures of us while two fans look on in awe at the inspiring superstars seated inside.

This is what solid recovery looks like. Tony M. (far left) holds Chris with Floyd on the far right.

Another Set of Banquet Pix

Can you guess this cleavage? Respond to the post with your guesses. If you're right, you may win a prize.

Hint, she's not a rock star, but she can play some mean Joan Jett.

Can you guess this tie? Respond with your guesses. Hint: I tied this for him

Jon, pictured in a rare, quiet moment.

Sllim and Krissy. If they were a Hollywood power couple and this were the cover of US Weekly, would their power name be Sllissy or Krim?

Heather with Josh. Damon and Jamis are in the background.

Banquet Pix - More

The boys... Clockwise from Left...Me, Johnny, Chris, Victor, Josh, Sllim, and Jon.

Doesn't Trish look like a movie star? Pictured with her eye candy. If they were a power couple, would we call them Trishy or Jish?

Girls from left: Trish, Heather, James, and Krissy.

Preparing to pose.


Banquet Pix - First Set

What a lovely couple. Recovery has been very good to these two. Victor and Heather C.

Chris. Currently working at 60+. This is one of them who is new, but lit up. He's got the fire in his eyes and the good energies in his belly. Hanging out with the winners has conclusively proven to be of exponentially positive value.

Snapped pre-banquet. Looking for someone.

Another pensive moment.

The first of several group pix.

Saturday Convention Pix 2

From left to right...

Sometimes, this is the best part of Convention weekend....the hour and a half between the last workshop and the banquet....Everyone's buzzing from the day and gearing up for the night. It's an odd kind of energy to explain, but it's a really happy time.

Pictured clockwise from left: Krissy looks on as Victor tells a story; Katherine and Heather (lounging).

Katherine is quite expressive. She doesn't just tell a story, she kinda acts it out. I like that in a person

Somewhat reserved, but quite a lovely young woman, Heather is either thinking about her day or engrossed in Dr. G, Medical Examiner. I turned her onto the show.

More of Victor pre-banquet...entertaining all the girls in the room.

Another shot of the sleeping angel, now dressed and ready for where the day takes him. Jersey Johnny. Maybe the man I'm gonna marry. Or maybe the dude that'll walk me down the aisle to give me away. Who knows. Recovery is a wild ride.

Saturday Convention Pix

Floyd accompanies the post-morning meditation coffee break with a hug. This would make anyone's day, but Trish was especially happy to receive.

James. All smiles and reserved happiness for the big day of Saturday's events.

Always looking something like the Cheshire cat. Meow.

A hug from Floyd would make anyone smile like this.

How would you like to wake up beside a sleeping angel like this every morning? Yeah, me too.

Morning Meditation

I woke up pretty early today after a great night's sleep. There's something to be said for the plush sheets and pillows in a hotel room, especially when you don't have to get out of bed the next morning and make it before you leave.

I went to the hospitality room and had a doughnut and a cup of coffee. Not bad, but I think I'm gonna need a little more substance in my belly sometime in the next few hours. A big, greasy bacon cheeseburger and french fries might be nice around lunch. Fill my stomach so I have something to settle it before I speak in the "Youth Rap" at 3:30.

Today's meditation was all about amends, the "house cleaning" portion of the steps that I kinda like and kinda hate and kinda still have a ways to go on. I hit the meditation down in the designated smoking area, but the sun was out and I wasn't ready to deal with all that just yet. So, I came back to the room to check email and bank balance and make sure my checkbook matches what's listed in my account.

Looking forward to the start of today's workshops, and I'm wondering if any of my fellow Shreveporters are gonna get out of bed and experience some more of this convention.

On the subject of my back. Not as bad this morning as it was throughout the day yesterday, but I'll have to wait until I'm up and around a little more before I can say whether or not I think it's getting any better. I'm pretty sure that regardless of everything else, I'm gonna have to give a sub-par report on its status after this weekend. I just really don't think that the injection did what was intended.

More will be revealed...

22 May 2009

Last Set of End of Day Pix...No Captions, Too Tired

Another Set of End of Day Photos

Me looking fabulous.

Krissy working on posters for Sunday.

Cassie, Dewayne and Bev finally made it in. Just in time for the opening speaker.

Sllim is intriguing Will with something.

Victor and Heather. He'll have two years two days from now.