29 September 2009

More from Adventures in Babysitting

These are school morning pictures I snapped. Look at Sue's threads! She's dressed like a high powered CEO. High school has come a long way with power suit uniforms and conspicuous ID's. I remember all black outfits with purple hair, white painted faces, and Robert Smith singing about boys not crying. Things are different in 2009.

Garrett. He just needed a few minutes on the couch to wake up. We watched old videos of Van Halen, Terrence Trent D'arby ("is that a boy or a girl?!"), and Duran Duran. I told them stories about their mom's hair back with the videos came out and Garrett actually knew most of the words to "Goodbye to You"!

Sarah... barely ten and already having to get a cup of joe to wake up.

Now, guys, who does this look just like?!?!?! Is that my sister shrunk down thirty years? No, that's my niece. Unbelieveable! I remember the same look on Missy's face while stirring her cup of coffee and getting ready to do the daily crossword puzzle.

Yeah, I do believe that was a chocolate chip cookie for breakfast... it's got eggs and milk and flour in it... that's protein, dairy and grains....

When a Stranger Calls Again

"Have you checked the children?" --The Calls are Coming From Inside the House!!!

Garrett really just wanted to play some games on CartoonNetwork.com, but couldn't seem to get the stuff to connect. He eventually gave up.

That's Sue, the oldest. She was wrapped up in the Degrassi kids all grown up. I remember the show with them in junior high, I think. Now, they're all young adults with 90210-kinda lives.

Sarah's the little helper of the bunch. She's kinda like the neice that's a lot of fun to spend a day shopping and getting facials with.

Garrett... after he had his shower and figured out how to put conditioner in his hair.

Maybe it was the late-night chocolate chip cookies that kept them alert and oriented later than they should have been.... naughty Uncle Miles!

26 September 2009

Weights and Measures Part 2

I snapped three photos yesterday morning at work, and this is the one that turned out best. Unfortunately, I see that my new coworkers both have demon red eyes that I can't seem to eliminate without spending more time than I'd prefer workshopping the photos. I'll have to snap some others next week.
The girl on the left is Cathleen. She and I pretty much spend all day together. Don't get me wrong, there's always plenty of work to be done, but we usually tend to gossip and gripe about assignments, and try to figure out the next step in our life aims and daily aims and all other future aims. Cathleen's going for her degree in Radiology. Already gifted with a degree to function as a teacher, I think she'll probably end up working with kids at some point. She's kind of like a sweet Mom or a sweet big sister... even though she's a bit younger than me. Seated and typing something out, Mandi is the girl who helps the ladies run stuff for Clinicals. She's full of all sorts of information. If you have a question or need to know what the next step is for you, ask her. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see this post, like she doesn't already get enough questions.
Anyway, I took my camera to work yesterday and told them that I needed to get some pix of them to post on my blog. I also warned them both that there would probably be a fierce group of female nurses from Brentwood that might want to hunt them down since the B-wood chicks never got a chance to work so closely with me, and for an entire shift.
Maybe I'll be more in the mood to post something of substance later. I was gonna talk about the strides I'm making in my 101 Days and Nights in Pursuit of Redemption... mention how great I look and how pleased I am with the toning of my physique. I'm just really not motivated at the moment. Keep your eyes open and check back. Perhaps a streak of creative energy will hit sometime in the near future.

Weights and Measures

"...burning the ground, I break from the crowd, I'm on the hunt, I'm after you. I smell like I sound. I'm lost and I'm found, and I'm hungry like the wolf. Strut on a line. It's discord and rhyme. I'm on the hunt, I'm after you. Mouth is alive with juices like wine, and I'm hungry like the wolf..." --Duran Duran

I must've heard it yesterday or maybe this morning on the radio because it's stuck in my head at the moment. I've been promising updates, so I thought I might as well put something on here, but I really don't have much to offer in the way of wisdom or inner depth today. I'm just tired. And there's a mountain of chapters that I really should be reading.

Oh, yeah. I promised pictures for the girls at work.

22 September 2009

First Day of Fall

"...so far it hasn't surfaced, but I'm sure it exists. It just takes a while to travel from your head to your fist..." -- Depeche Mode

The first day of fall is here, but I almost feel as if the seasonal change began a little earlier this year than I was thinking. That actually excites me a little. I love the fall and winter months. September through April offer the best in clothes, the best in accessories, the best in food and comfort...all the good stuff that reminds me of Paula Deen, Banana Republic, and soup.

Struggled through Microbiology last night. All I can do is hope for the best and continue to put my best food forward. I have no problem explaining my way around staining a culture as Gram positive or Gram negative, but when you start asking me about the cholesterol make-up of this or the order in size of eukaryotics, prokaryotics, amino acids, proteins, and rat livers, I get tongue tied and have to try to wrap my brain about just what that page looked like in my notes. The important thing is that I really understand the information. I believe I can process it all and apply it to whatever situation I'm given to expound on.

The rough part of nursing classes is that you have a list of five possible answers. You can absolutely eliminate the two that are definitely incorrect, there's one you think doesn't sound right, and then there are the other two. Both of them are right, aren't they? Which one do you pick? Which is the "best possible" answer? It's something I suppose I really should become accustomed to interpreting.

I just wanted to make some post that wasn't all pictures and captions. I feel like I've been neglecting my blog. When I do that, it's a sure sign that I might be making meetings, but I'm probably not doing step work or paying attention to my diet or exercising. Usually when I'm all over the updates, I'm focused and aware and doing everything that I need to do in conjunction with prayer and meditation and living life well.

Anatomy is creeping along in less than an hour. I really ought to go get showered and shaved (in addition to finishing my ironing tonite, I'm needing another full face and head shave) and prepped to head up to campus. Excited that I can come home from class, get some work completed, then maybe grab a throw after my chores are finished to watch Melrose Place or something else that's amassing a collection of episodes on my Tivo.

20 September 2009

Last Set - The Race Ends

Speeding past the finish line... my cheering section was waiting!!!

Angie, you are WAY too easily moved!

Pam picked on us because all the girls made it through way before we did. I missed most of the eye candy dashing through all sweaty and shirtless, but these guys aren't bad to find at the end of an amazing experience.

Finally, Ellie and I have the opportunity to have our photos together.

Who am I to pass up the opportunity to strike a pose with Angie on the other end of the camera. Good times.

Another Round...

The race was absolutely incredible. I couldn't believe the mass amounts of people. One of the greatest natural highs I've ever experienced was watching the women who have been twenty year survivors and running through the finish line. I could barely make three miles in an hour and a half...

Another Set of Race Pictures

Angie has arrived....let the games begin.

This was right before Angie got there, when Ellie and I were supposedly making out. I couldn't get any PDA pix.

Two of the most powerful women in the world.

Actually, I think this is my favorite photo from the whole set. Added it to my facebook page.

Phillip with his daughter.

More Komen Pix...

Dr. Boswell showed up. Our team was finally complete!!!

You can't really get a better group than this! Phillip, Jessica, Pam, Ellie....Phillip's daughter Emily down in the front.

Jessica, Pam, and Ellie.

Love this photo....two of my favorite girls.

We started getting antsy, ready to roll....

Susan G. Komen Pix

After the race, with Angie. She made a special trip to show support and spend some time with all of her favorite people...

Me with Ellie... also after the event.

This was me waking up that moring. It was VERY early.

This was later, after the event.... so much for any kind of sequential order of photos, I guess.

Okay, I can try to get some order going....
From left: Phillip Kuperman, Pam's daughter-in-law, Jessica, PHolsted, RN, and Ellie.

15 September 2009

The Rain in Shreveport Falls Mainly on Miles

"....sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come. Corporation tee shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday. Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long...." -- The Beatles

I had John Lennon repeating multiple times yesterday afternoon as I travelled between the house and campus for the three hour event known as Microbiology. I have submitting a blog as number 23 on my list of 25 things that I simply must do 15-18 September as I haven't posted in about a week (I haven't written the PCV in Malawi in over a month...that's number 14).

Awake. Alert and orientedX4. I just finished covering Chapter Four from my Human Anatomy book, "Human Development" and I figured I could take a quick break before I conquer the final chapter prior to this afternoon's exam: "Chapter 5: The Integumentary System."

I'm feeling great. I began the slow process towards physical fitness rewards on Saturday evening, beginning to develop an exercise regimen that works for me and gets my blood circulating. So far, I've resubmitted myself to the calesthenic Gods every evening since. Most of the actions I'm taking were less stress last night, and I managed to get my heart pumping thrillingly within the first three minutes. The routine I'm employing is based on the warm-up work out I remember from Caddo Middle Magnet: stretching for two minutes, jumping jacks, lunges, windmills, toe touches, sit-ups, push-ups, and a small amount of strength training with Mom's dumbbells. Tonight, I'm planning to add another set that runs through a second time, to increase my activity time. If the weather permits, I'd like to add a brisk, mile walk afterwards. I'm gearing up for the Susan G. Komen deal on Saturday morning.

After Thursday's expensive trip to the grocery store, I've been planning and eating meals derived straight from the Food Guide Pyramid outlined in my Nutrition text. It's nice to have so many assignments and so much required reading for the course. It's better than a gym membership. Since it's a required class for my major, I'm constantly reminded of everything I really should be doing. I'm planning to post some of the answers to the questions I've submitted in hopes of having a clear train of thought outlined here in my blog.

Still haven't picked the quit date for the Marlboro's. In fact, it seems like I'm smoking more than ever (want one right now, as a matter of fact), and I'm wondering if that's a sign that I'm really getting ready to give them up for good. I don't understand why nicotine is such a rough chemical...especially after the longer, more intense list of chemicals I put in my back pocket in July of 2005. They've been snugly tucked in for so long, I feel like they must've fallen out, but I don't know where I dropped them. That's gotta be a good sign...losing the compulsion, then forgetting to obsess... wasn't that my goal?

I was talking to my friend Beverly online earlier. She's pregnant and it's a girl and she was running some names past me. She's set on "Sadie Marie," a name that I really love. We went through some other choices, the names I would pick for my son or daughter, and I told her that maybe that was why gay men are not allowed to procreate. Because we'd name the kids after pop divas from the past fifty years, the names of colors unfamiliar to the hetero vocabulary like Taupe and Mauve and Mint, and soap opera vixens from the seventies and eighties like Krystle, Valene, Abby, Alexis, Margot, Angelique, or Fallon.

That got me thinking about something... Oak Haven. Yes, the book I started and put down and started and put down. I'm not really even sure if I still have any of the old notebooks. Well, I'm sure they're there, just don't know where (I made a rhyme. Now give me a dime.). The story is a labor of love for me, and I'm sure that even if I can't find the old work, I still have the characters and the story and the ideas buried permanently in my psyche.

When I think about the novel-in-progress, I start thinking about "the rules." It's a scene I picture as a kind of Ferris Bueller aside if the story were made into a movie... a scene where one of the very savvy characters turns to the audience, pauses the action on screen except for his or herself, and then explains that there are several important rules that one must have some knowledge of in order to comprehend their live in a melodrama (a la Randy from the Scream movies).

Rule Number One: You must never trust anyone. No matter how well you think you know them, they almost definitely have some deep, dark secret that they will likely do anything to protect. If you discover it, you must hope that your relationship will persevere over their need to silence you. It could be your boyfriend, your wife, your best friend, or your grandmother... everybody has something to hide.

Rule Number Two: If you find out you're pregnant, you must avoid the stairs at all cost. If you live in a two-story house, it would probably be best for you to set up camp on the ground floor. If you come in contact with a staircase for any reason, you will be at the bottom of them by the time the final frame freezes and fades to black. It's possible you will die, but it's more likely that you'll be fine, but your baby will not make it to the next season.

Rule Number Three: If you're an addict or an alcoholic and you're currently sober, chances are you won't be for long. The temptations will arise and you'll do well for a while, but eventually you're going to be led astray for one reason or another. Be prepared. When the relapse comes, it will come with a vengeance and you will do all kinds of terrible things that are totally atypical to your character. It's likely that you will lose everything and everyone, become homeless, eventually take to prostitution and theft... but no worries. You'll eventually clean yourself up again with the help of some dramatic, life-changing scene. Everyone will forgive you, and you'll begin working to redeem yourself. This is because you are most likely one of the core characters.

Rule Number Four: Very few couples are stable. However, if you are the one stable couple out of all your associations, the relationship will be the one that will be tested more than any other. There will be devils that will tempt both you and your partner. You will be faced with endless problems that cause arguments and doubt. You will be fearful and nervous that there's no reason to go on, but you'll make it. At least once in November (sweeps) and February (sweeps), something major will happen and everyone will wonder if your relationship will last. It will. The only major scares will be at or around the season finale/season premier when contracts are negotiated and one of you could possibly die... which brings us to the fifth and final rule.

Rule Number Five: Never. I repeat: NEVER!...under any circumstances...for any reason at all... no matter what.... should you EVER believe that someone you know is REALLY dead. That goes for friend, partner, family member, long-lost son, and most especially... your nemesis. It doesn't matter if you've seen them stabbed, shot, hung, fall off a cliff, fall out of a plane, get blown up, burn to death, have their head cut off, drown, or flatline on a hospital bed with leprocy... they will be back. You must always be extremely suspicious if a body is never recovered, but even if you saw the person slowly picked apart by birds in a million tiny pieces and the birds all fly away in various directions, the person is probably not really dead. If the body is hideously maimed, though, don't expect them to return in any form that you remember. They will most likely return, not look anything like themselves, and very likely have a score to settle with one or more other people in your life. If the person they've come back for is you, leave town and permanently cease contact with any and all people you are connected to. If you don't, you're about to have a very interesting and very scary life.

Okay, enough silliness. I have to get back to work now.

06 September 2009

More Family Fun - Final Batch

After posing for pictures, I told him that he had pooh on his head. We told him to go give Mom a kiss with them on his head. Mother came UNGLUED! It was awesome.

Isn't the youngest adorable? I think these last photos turned out really well. I think he is very much an observer... something about his expression is serious....

But his older brother can definitely make him laugh.

I think he was watching Ethan sing the itsy bitsy spider song right before they left.

A final glimpse... Erin and Shaun are really good parents. I can't wait to see what these boys grow up to become.

Pre Labor Day Family Visit

Lounging on the sofa in the den.... that's Erin, my sister-in-law, holding my youngest nephew, Elliot while Mom looks on.

I think this was after I put the underwear on Ethan's head to see what would happen. This has to be Erin's reaction...

Ethan actually thought it was a hat first.

I had to pull the band up because it was blocking his view. When he realized what he was wearing, he said... "Wait! It's not a hat!"

I guess he decided it could work. So, he decided to pose. He's actually really good at that. Also really good at being a statue. Erin couldn't decide if he was having a petit mal or just being silly. He was very convincing.

More From Timmons Trail

Meredith is going to be so thrilled that I always manage to catch her mid-sip.

Soaking their feet in the water.... Laura, I hope we don't all get your mono!

Lauren laid out the spread inside the tent. It was a pretty cool conflaguration (I know it's the wrong word, but Laura doesn't).

Lauren was very firm: NO PICTURES!!! I snapped this one anyway. I'm sure she'll love being on the blog here.

The Bride-to-Be... and the lady who's helping make it happen, the Mother of Honor.