22 September 2009

First Day of Fall

"...so far it hasn't surfaced, but I'm sure it exists. It just takes a while to travel from your head to your fist..." -- Depeche Mode

The first day of fall is here, but I almost feel as if the seasonal change began a little earlier this year than I was thinking. That actually excites me a little. I love the fall and winter months. September through April offer the best in clothes, the best in accessories, the best in food and comfort...all the good stuff that reminds me of Paula Deen, Banana Republic, and soup.

Struggled through Microbiology last night. All I can do is hope for the best and continue to put my best food forward. I have no problem explaining my way around staining a culture as Gram positive or Gram negative, but when you start asking me about the cholesterol make-up of this or the order in size of eukaryotics, prokaryotics, amino acids, proteins, and rat livers, I get tongue tied and have to try to wrap my brain about just what that page looked like in my notes. The important thing is that I really understand the information. I believe I can process it all and apply it to whatever situation I'm given to expound on.

The rough part of nursing classes is that you have a list of five possible answers. You can absolutely eliminate the two that are definitely incorrect, there's one you think doesn't sound right, and then there are the other two. Both of them are right, aren't they? Which one do you pick? Which is the "best possible" answer? It's something I suppose I really should become accustomed to interpreting.

I just wanted to make some post that wasn't all pictures and captions. I feel like I've been neglecting my blog. When I do that, it's a sure sign that I might be making meetings, but I'm probably not doing step work or paying attention to my diet or exercising. Usually when I'm all over the updates, I'm focused and aware and doing everything that I need to do in conjunction with prayer and meditation and living life well.

Anatomy is creeping along in less than an hour. I really ought to go get showered and shaved (in addition to finishing my ironing tonite, I'm needing another full face and head shave) and prepped to head up to campus. Excited that I can come home from class, get some work completed, then maybe grab a throw after my chores are finished to watch Melrose Place or something else that's amassing a collection of episodes on my Tivo.

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