30 December 2016

Two years, seven months and 19 days...

"So I hid in books and my imagination. School was something to be survived, as every morning I dreaded when my parents would drop me off and I would have to interact, to smile, to later try not to get slammed into the space between the door and the wall when the cool kids burst out the door during recess. I was bullied before bullying was a thing anyone talked about, and I thought it was just how it was. I didn't know how to relate to other people, let alone children, and so I invented fantasy worlds in which I was a princess, or sometimes a prince." — Eva Hagberg, It's All in Your Head
Once upon a time, a southern writer decided move to the Pacific northwest, and he realized it had been so long since he last wrote in his blog that it was time to get it going again.

I'm hoping this will be the start of doing this on a regular basis again because I've got a lot of shit to write about that won't work on any of the other platforms I use as outlets.

Keep in mind that all my inspiration these days is coming from old episodes of The Mary Tyler Moore Show and early seasons of Sex and the City. Plus, I've been having some of the most intimate conversations of my life lately, and I plan to write about the pieces of enlightenment I've reached recently.

Like I mentioned to a good friend last night as he told me about the various levels of intimacy he experiences in his relationship, I won't use any real names, but oh, the stories I have to tell...

I dunno if this will be as regular as it once was, but I am hoping that writing here on a daily basis will help me to be a better writer professionally as well.

Let's just see what happens.