24 November 2013

Facebook is the Devil

And that's the rub - the reason I waste so much time: Facebook.

I need to only get on for Henry Harbor and for linking photos. No reason to stay on it in the afternoon after coming in from work. I never got the hang of Twitter, and only added a few photos to Instagram. No reason I can't live and let live and let go and let God for Facebook, eh?

Month-and-a-Half-Long Post Fail - Le Sigh

A simple text from Brodie tonight reminded me that I have neglected my personal blog for more than a month, a record amount of time since I re-committed myself to following through on this. Although he mentioned nothing related to the lack of posts here, I realized that it is, in fact, something that I've been failing to do. For the month of October, it was because I was committed to updating my nightly list of 31 great horror movies to watch during the month of Halloween. Since the onset of November, I've been more than a little stagnant with everything important to me... going to bed early, barely writing, barely reading, and spending way too much time wasting time and procrastinating.

The Stephen King in 2013 endeavor fell by the wayside since I finished re-reading Night Shift, and I've yet to really pick up The Stand, the next in the list of books to complete (only about sixty more to go - as if I could really finish all of them before 2013 becomes 2014 - even if I were to read all day, every day, I still couldn't manage it at this point), but I only have to finish reading Night Film, the engrossing novel from Marisha Pessl that I read about in so many magazines and was eager to get a copy of to complete.

No reason. Just wasting time.

No real reason for this post either. I just realized that I needed to put something up. I'm not all-together certain about how long I have to work this week. Tomorrow, definitely. We are taking depositions (have I written since I went to work for the law firm?), so not even the bitterly cold, icy weather can keep me away from those doors in the morning - and I don't mind... I kinda love the place - but the rest of the week is up in the air. The holiday comes Thursday, so we may or may not work Wednesday. I'm re-adding the link to my blog to my Google bookmark bar so I can't let this slide again.