01 June 2011

Day 17 of 101

It's already after noon, and I feel like I just got off work ten minutes ago. I've literally done absolutely nothing productive this morning. No cooking, no cleaning, nothing creative. No writing, no significant blogging. I haven't even watched a movie on Netflix (by the way, I'm still not totally sure of my verdict on Cat People although it was definitely an odd one). In fact, Tyler woke up and texted a reply to something I'd sent to him nearly six hours ago while he was cozy and asleep, and I told him that I hadn't even brushed my teeth all morning, which is very unusual for me.

I'm almost finished with Night Shift, only reading in very short spurts before bed, but I'm now getting more into the groove. If only I'd remember to lay down and open my books a little earlier like I did before I started school three years ago, I might be able to complete something in a single sitting. The stack of must-reads has only accumulated more weight while the shelves of completed tomes has simply gathered more dust in lieu of more pages.

I haven't worked on my story in several days; however, I have been making myself notes on my phone and I'm hoping to incorporate certain elements and ideas into its creation. I suppose I've been playing a lot of the ideas out in my head while I cruise the Internet looking at T-shirts that cost twenty-five a pop and I'll probably never actually buy because I can't justify spending nearly forty bucks when you factor in shipping and handling just because I want a shirt that reads "Miskatonic University." I suppose that most of the substantial stuff that I've written in the past has been formed in much the same way: many days or weeks of plotting and questioning and guessing in my head and wondering what would happen if this or that and making notes and jotting down ideas here and there and only later sitting down to actually begin to pull it all together in one significant format. That's the way Oak Haven began. I suppose that's the way Oak Haven may come back at some point. We'll see.

Fourteen days till the beach. Eighteen days till the surgery.

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