15 June 2011

Finally, the List: Just in Time for Stacy and Stephen to Leave Work on Day 31 of 101

The Stuff I Need to Mark Off for the Beach
  1. My laptop - I may not bring this for a few reasons;
  2. My camera;
  3. Camera USB cord;
  4. Cell phone;
  5. Cell phone charger;
  6. Trivial Pursuit Totally 80's Edition;
  7. Scattergories;
  8. Taboo;
  9. Monopoly;
  10. Scrabble;*
  11. Panties - we call everything "panties" in my house: boxer shorts, tighty-whitey's, boxer-briefs, etc.;
  12. Two pairs of cut-offs;
  13. White T-shirts;**
  14. Two pairs of flip flops;
  15. Short sleeved button downs;
  16. T-shirts: Phi Slamma Jamma, KA, PhiMu, Miskatonic U, Bad Bull, NSU comfort stuff;
  17. Grey Fockers hoodie;
  18. Journal;
  19. Notebook for writing;
  20. Pens and pencils;
  21. Hair paste;
  22. Toothbrush;
  23. Toothpaste;
  24. Floss;
  25. Dental Stuff;
  26. Body Wash;
  27. Shampoo;
  28. Conditioner;
  29. Facial Stuff;
  30. Foot Stuff;
  31. Batteries for Camera;
  32. Vitamins;
  33. Big Towels;
  34. Wash Cloths;
  35. Mouthwash;
  36. Neutrogena;
  37. Electric Razor;
  38. Shaving Cream;
  39. Regular Razor;
  40. Pillows (2);
  41. Blankets (2 - 3) to lay on;
  42. DVD's: Bruno, In Bruges, Hamlet 2, Notes on a Scandal, Old Boy, Cloverfield, etc.***
  43. Books: the Agatha Christie books, the Christopher Pike books, Tess of the D'urbervilles, and Lace 2;****
  44. Medicine(s);
  45. The spices for Chicken Salad.
I have only one last phone call to make, my prescription refill to pick up, and the library book to return for my grandmother (this is the Heaven is for Real book that I've nearly completed; my rationale is that because I started it in my hour of need, I can't just leave it hanging; I have to know how it turns out in the end). Once my prescription is ready, I can swing by the library, then the pharmacy, then head out to Stephen and Stacy's for the night... unless we decide to go ahead and pile in the car and drive the eight hours to the gulf tonight. I'm so excited, I can barely contain myself.

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