13 June 2011

The Beach List on Day 29 of 101 - Killing Time While I Wait the Worldwide Awakening for the Week

The Stuff I Need to Mark Off for the Beach By Wednesday's 0915 PreOp Appointment:

  1. My laptop - I may not bring this for a few reasons;
  2. My camera;
  3. Camera USB cord;
  4. Cell phone;
  5. Cell phone charger;
  6. Trivial Pursuit Totally 80's Edition;
  7. Scattergories;
  8. Taboo;
  9. Monopoly;
  10. Scrabble;*
  11. Panties - we call everything "panties" in my house: boxer shorts, tighty-whitey's, boxer-briefs, etc.;
  12. Two pairs of cut-offs;
  13. White T-shirts;**
  14. Two pairs of flip flops;
  15. Short sleeved button downs;
  16. T-shirts: Phi Slamma Jamma, KA, PhiMu, Miskatonic U, Bad Bull, NSU comfort stuff;
  17. Grey Fockers hoodie;
  18. Journal;
  19. Notebook for writing;
  20. Pens and pencils;
  21. Hair paste;
  22. Toothbrush;
  23. Toothpaste;
  24. Floss;
  25. Dental Stuff;
  26. Body Wash;
  27. Shampoo;
  28. Conditioner;
  29. Facial Stuff;
  30. Foot Stuff;
  31. Batteries for Camera;
  32. Vitamins;
  33. Big Towels;
  34. Wash Cloths;
  35. Mouthwash;
  36. Neutrogena;
  37. Electric Razor;
  38. Shaving Cream;
  39. Regular Razor;
  40. Pillows (2);
  41. Blankets (2 - 3) to lay on;
  42. DVD's: Bruno, In Bruges, Hamlet 2, Notes on a Scandal, Old Boy, Cloverfield, etc.***
  43. Books: the Agatha Christie books, the Christopher Pike books, Tess of the D'urbervilles, and Lace 2;****
  44. Medicine(s);
  45. The spices for Chicken Salad.
* Remind Rhonda about the Mindtrap games;
** Do laundry today and tomorrow;
*** Message everybody to find out what they want to see;
**** Ask everybody about the status of reading the book before packing it.

Stuff I'll Need to Acquire/Purchase:

  1. Sunglasses ($10 - $15);
  2. Cigarettes ($20 - $30);
  3. Prescription Refills ($20);
  4. A lot of Red Bull ($30);
  5. Gas (unknown, maybe $30 or so?);
  6. Stuff for Chicken Salad ($20 - $30 [chicken, cashew halves and pieces, one green apple, red grapes, celery, mayo, garlic powder, garlic salt, onion powder, salt and pepper]).
  7. Possible total: $150 (the condo's already paid in full).

1 comment:

  1. I love your list!! :) I don't have one -- except the one in my head. I despise packing and always leave it to the last possible minute. Yes, I'll definitely forget something important. Which is kind of cool, because upon my arrival at my destination it becomes a Buddhist exercise in "do I really need that in my life?" The answer is always "probably not." The day my answer can always be "no" is the day I've made huge progress in my spiritual journey. I can't wait for our vacation to begin!!! :)
