14 June 2011

Crossing Off the List on Day 30 of 101

  1. My laptop - I may not bring this for a few reasons; Leaving Here
  2. My camera;
  3. Camera USB cord; Unnecessary (Thanks, Stace)
  4. Cell phone;
  5. Cell phone charger;
  6. Trivial Pursuit Totally 80's Edition;
  7. Scattergories;
  8. Taboo;
  9. Monopoly;
  10. Scrabble;*
  11. Panties - we call everything "panties" in my house: boxer shorts, tighty-whitey's, boxer-briefs, etc.;
  12. Two pairs of cut-offs;
  13. White T-shirts;**
  14. Two pairs of flip flops;
  15. Short sleeved button downs;
  16. T-shirts: Phi Slamma Jamma, KA, PhiMu, Miskatonic U, Bad Bull, NSU comfort stuff;
  17. Grey Fockers hoodie;
  18. Journal;
  19. Notebook for writing;
  20. Pens and pencils;
  21. Hair paste;
  22. Toothbrush;
  23. Toothpaste;
  24. Floss;
  25. Dental Stuff;
  26. Body Wash;
  27. Shampoo;
  28. Conditioner;
  29. Facial Stuff;
  30. Foot Stuff;
  31. Batteries for Camera;
  32. Vitamins; The doc D/C'd them today until after the procedure.
  33. Big Towels;
  34. Wash Cloths;
  35. Mouthwash;
  36. Neutrogena;
  37. Electric Razor;
  38. Shaving Cream;
  39. Regular Razor;
  40. Pillows (2);
  41. Blankets (2 - 3) to lay on;
  42. DVD's: Bruno, In Bruges, Hamlet 2, Notes on a Scandal, Old Boy, Cloverfield, etc.***
  43. Books: the Agatha Christie books, the Christopher Pike books, Tess of the D'urbervilles, and Lace 2;****
  44. Medicine(s);
  45. The spices for Chicken Salad.
Making progress. The laundry is going and I'm going far more minimalist than one might think from this list. Today's pre-op was productive (despite the fact that I was there for several hours after thinking that I'd be there for less than one), and I feel like I have one less thing to worry about as the weeks have turned into days and the days now into hours. Less than forty-eight until the background noise is no longer the traffic of Youree Drive, replaced by the rhythmic lapping of ocean waves...

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