13 June 2011

After Missing Day 28, We Have Day 29 of 101

Things began taking something of an odd turn on Saturday night. I was fine for the most part throughout the day having decided to stay home to write and get a little reading done; however, I was totally unable to get any sleep when I laid down on Saturday. I was feeling extremely exhausted and having difficulty keeping my eyes open, but every time I dozed, I was back awake in less than half an hour. The routine kept up until I finally rose shortly after eight and began developing an excruciating pain in my neck and between my shoulders, as if I'd pulled a muscle. Although I wasn't feeling particularly sickly, I wasn't exactly feeling right. To a degree, the feeling was comparable to both times that I've been hospitalized with meningitis. Fortunately, I really have no other symptoms to carry that thought farther. No fever and no stomach trouble, two of the main marks from the last times.

I spent most of yesterday - well, all of it, really - on the couch with my head straight forward, barely able to pivot it on my neck. Mom came and treated me with hot, moist heat, and the therapy seemed to help, but my symptoms never went away or reached the point of really feeling well alleviated. I finally had to face reality and call in for my shift around four in the afternoon. Around eight, I began dozing and slept intermittently, with roughly the same sleeping pattern as the night before. At four, I finally got up, and I'm thinking that part of the reason for my fitful sleep is the mass amount of worry that I have praying on my psyche: work, money, and the neverending stacks of ever-increasing bills.

I'm hoping that I will be able to accomplish quite a bit this morning and that my neck will begin feeling more like its old normal self. I've put so much energy and excitement into all the good things that will be happening this week, my trip and the final days before my back gets fixed, I refuse to allow anything to stand in the way of all the greatness that I'm finally on the verge of enjoying.

We leave for the beach on Thursday morning.
My surgery is scheduled for one week from today.

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