28 June 2011

43 and 44 out of 101 - For Stacy

Yes, Virginia, there is a Chupacabra...

Stacy texted to ask (/remind me) whether or not I wrote yesterday or today. Yesterday, yes; however, today's been a little hectic (I made a solo venture out to the library and the tobacco store), and I haven't written yet.

I have a few minor projects that I'm trying to complete between now and dinner, and I'm going to complete those, but I am planning to sit (yes, I am able to do that now, but only for very brief periods) down at my desk (I'm back from the makeshift hospital suite in the den, and ready to plant myself in my bedroom) to work on a blog post that I have privately saved for further editing. It's an answer to a question that the Great One posed for me to ponder a few weeks ago, really a revamp of a conversational response that I gave her on Sunday night. Additionally, I'm working on a post regarding my surgical experience and subsequent recovery, one on the two of the short stories I'm feverishly (albeit at intermittently fevered intervals) creating, one that expounds on the last full post I made (and actually received a guilt-laden, accusatory series of messages regarding - from someone it was never meant to describe besides), and one on where I am emotionally, physically, and spiritually at present.

While I'm not adding anything substantial at the moment, I'm hoping that this will, at least, temporarily suffice.

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