12 May 2013

The Wasp's Nest Continues

So the weekend's winding to a close and another week is all set to begin. Not that I'm looking forward to it - another week, but at least I begin it with the knowledge that it's the first of only three that I have left. I'm hoping that freeing me from what I consider the bondage of a bad situation will also free me up to do a little more writing (and reading) than I have been lately. There are certain personages in my life who are sort of subconsciously urging me to do so. Ideas, that's what I've got a ton of these days: ideas. I'm just not yet making the time to get them down on the page.

I spent the better part of the weekend fighting this treacherous cold that's sinking more and more into my chest, but I pushed through to enjoy as much of the free time as I could; however, I realized this evening that I've not been to a meeting since Thursday night. This is the longest I've gone without a meeting since I got sober, but it's also the longest that I've been under-the-weather since I've been sober. I plan to spend the week making up for that.

A call list of potential sponsors also awaits, as does a new list of movies to watch and comment on for the film festival, and the other usual list of things that I need to be doing to live happier and healthier and better in general. Hopefully, I'll spend a good night in slumber and awaken to a less congested head and chest tomorrow. For now, I've got to get back to the book so that I have something to write about regarding it instead of the boring whatever that is in my daily life.

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