27 May 2013

No Post X 2 Days?!?!!

I haven't posted in a couple days, but with good reason: Arrested Development season 4.

Sarah E. and I made plans to get together Saturday night to prepare for the release of the fourth season of one of the greatest television series of all time. Unfortunately, either out of excitement or pure laziness, we failed to read the fine print regarding the correct time that the new episodes would hit Netflix. I stopped at the Gucci Brookshire's on my way to her house to pick up everything we'd need to create homemade Humphreys (and some apples and Nutella for good measure), and we settled into her living room to smoke cigarettes and talk about life while we watched old episodes and waited for one minute after midnight to arrive.

12:01 arrived. The new episodes did not.

It was only after re-reviewing the information on the actual premier time that we realized that we would be able to see the fourth season at 12:01... Pacific time.

So, Saturday night was totally blown (as was Sunday morning and afternoon, as I had to sleep at some point), and last night was busy while I worked on a project to help a friend.

But I'm back on track today. I woke up at a decent hour (9:30 is decent - I am, after all, on vacation), and I completed my morning prayer and meditation before finishing A New Pair of Glasses, and starting a load of clothes. Now, I only need to vacuum and shower and I'll be ready for the rest of the day.

The Shining should be finished tonight, and I'll hopefully have more to write and post later.

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