23 May 2013

Just Because

Why miss a day now? Especially when I've written a little something here every night for the entire month of May. I hate to lose sight of sticking to something important in my life, particularly when I've got a dude down in Hall Summit waiting to read what I have to write. Who am I to let a fan down?

Unfortunately, I have nothing to post that's worthwhile other than to say that I'm suffering from an eye twitch that has plagued me for the past several weeks. I consulted WebMD (and google, in general), and what I've found is that the twitch is related to either increased levels of stress, eye strain, increased caffeine consumption, fatigue, or some combination of these catalysts. Most likely, it's the combination that's got it going. The only bad part is that it's gone on for such a long period of time that I am actually now experiencing a little pain in the corner of my eye.

I'm hoping a solid night's sleep at my mom's will serve me well.

We watched Paranormal Activity 4, and I followed it with Hitchcock. Other than the climactic scene of Hitch watching the audience react to the shower scene in Psycho, I much preferred the first DVD selection over the second (that and the director's correction over being called Mr. Hitchcock by admonishing, "just the Hitch, hold the cock" - nice).

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