29 August 2013

After Ironing

This is something new for me: to actually take the time to iron my clothes the night before I have to go to work. In the past, I've always sent my stuff out or paid someone to do it for me, but I'm trying my best to cut any costs at any section of the financial spectrum. Even though I'd rather help someone move than iron (and I'd prefer to be handcuffed to a chair and take a beating with a baseball bat than help someone move), it's only about ten to fifteen minutes (tops) of my time to get everything ready to put my best foot forward at The Firm (the place that was revealed to me today to be the exact thing that I've been working toward my entire life; I could write that I don't remember the last time that I worked in a place like this, for people like this - the truth is, though, that I don't think I've ever worked for people of such a high moral caliber and such genuine integrity... it's one of the greatest things I've had happen for me in my entire adult life).

I planned to leave the Lambda meeting and head home to make my list of everything that I desperately have to complete over the next seventy-two hours (not the least of which is completion of PACE's application for the Beaird Foundation grant), but I ended up tooling around on Spotify to download more music to play while I go on my (theoretical) morning run. Not a terrible thing - I'll just have to put in some extra hours tomorrow night to be sure that I get everything completed in time.

I'm also trying to watch an episode of American Horror Story: Asylum every night (I'm re-watching the entire season from the beginning since I never finished it last winter) to be ready for the premier of Coven when it arrives.

There's also the list of thank-you notes I have to write and send, the proposal I have to compile for Jonathan's approval to send out for evaluation, the notes I still have to type for LASCYPAA 2015 bid, and many other tasks - all of which I can't currently call to mind - that I'll need to finish over the long holiday weekend. All of this with the other plan to spend Sunday afternoon reading and writing and being generally lazy to usher in Monday's Labor Day holiday.

I'll get it done. I just need to get busy and stop procrastinating. I no longer hold the belief that I only work well under pressure. That stuff's for the college-aged me. I haven't been of that mindset for nearly ten years.

I finished "Sometimes They Come Back" last night - only mildly impressed, but I remember really enjoying the story tremendously the first time I read it. "Strawberry Spring" tonight, but first: the list...

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