27 August 2013


This was the story that served as the inspiration for the late eighties Stephen King flick Maximum Overdrive, which was - if I'm not mistaken - Stephen King's directorial debut (and, thank God, his swan song as well) and the second time I ever remember seeing the man himself pulling an Alfred Hitchcock and showing up in something of his own (Creepshow was the first time). It's not a bad story. Kind of The Matrix long before The Matrix was even a glimmer in the eyes of Keanu Reeves. It's simple and apocalyptic: man created machine, but at some point, machine gained the ability to think for itself and decided to take over - to make human beings the slaves to keeping machines in operation. The only lingering question I have after completing this story is: to what purpose? There's no real motivation for the sudden onslaught of trucks taking over this one specific place, and in the postulation of the short story's characters, other places everywhere else.

Not as great as "Gray Matter," which I think is the best story in the book so far, and far less creative than "Battleground," which I found really interesting.

Now that I'm back on track with using this blog for the specific purpose of its original intent, I feel better about things. The past few days have been trying, but I'm thankfully starting a new journey at The Firm tomorrow, and I'm definitely looking forward to every part of this adventure.

Sleep will come soon, but "Sometimes They Come Back" will come first.

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