12 August 2013

What I've Been Doing Tonight

After leaving work a few minutes early, I came home long enough to catch my breath before heading out to the fourth night of AA Tradition Study, a welcome addition to my weekly endeavors. It's now officially something that I look forward to attending. My plan for the evening (which was also to include taking Mary Louise for a walk and somehow fitting in a workout since I overslept this morning and was preventing from both, but I failed to accomplish each of these tasks as well) was to pick a corner of my room to deep clean. From my bed, especially on sunny mornings, I can see the layers of dust and dog hair on too many surfaces, and I've been meaning to really get into getting everything cleaned and ready for the approaching cooler weather (I don't want to have any reasons to facilitate distractions from the many great things the fall has to offer). I decided it would be best to knock out this de-griming one section at a time. I also wanted to reorganize my stuff (what else am I gonna call it? that's what it is), and to find a better way to lay out my books. I think I've succeeded so far.

As you can see, I cleared off the entire lower shelf below my night stand.
More space for books!

I set up the area to the left as an arts section. 

All of the toys that Mary Louise has accumulated are back
where she can get to them.

And I had Six Degrees of Separation playing to work me through.

I'll admit it isn't exactly what I'd had in mind when I began asking for another book case, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm planning to cover the top with more. Plus, I have three others where that came from. At least I have a better spot for what David started calling "the Library of Congress."

Now, onto another short story in Night Shift and another chapter in Orange is the New Black before bed. I promised myself I'd keep going with this routine until I'm finished. It's not yet half past ten, so I should be fine on sleep.

We'll see if I get up in time for early morning work, though.

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