01 September 2013

On The Ledge at the Arrival of Sundays with Hitchcock in September

It's 11:11... make a wish.

What could be better than finishing out something of a grueling weekend with the silent movie music of one of Alfred Hitchcock's earliest works as background noise while I (finally) have the opportunity for a little creative enjoyment? Maybe adding some junk food to the mix. I've already downed half of my second Amp energy drink, so I'm planning to be up for a while longer (there's another Htich flick on after The Lodger, and I think Frenzy is on around two - I've never seen any of these in this line-up, so I practically have a boner from the excitement). I managed to finish piping out the last of the work to compile and complete everything necessary to submit the PACE application for the Beaird Foundation grant, and I knocked out every important errand needed to make it here to this point. Now... do I work on the "Stories from the 318 (it's such a douch-y title; I really want to change it)?" Do I open up Night Shift and finish "The Ledge?" Do I paint (Ryan's birthday present still stands incomplete and waiting)? Do I run downstairs and heat up some chicken nuggets or make a turkey sandwich or my good ole favorite fattening stand-by: Frito Pie with extra sharp cheddar cheese and hot dogs?

I guess I can do pretty much anything I want. I don't have to be up early for anything tomorrow. There's the possibility of thunderstorms at the time of morning when I would normally be up and heading out the door to work - these will likely aid in my plan to sleep as late as possible. What are the chances that I can squeeze a little bit of everything into a single night of solitary excess and total vegetative/creative enjoyment?

I forget that I owe Bruce Parker II a lengthy blog that details the events that have been transpiring in my life since I last really got in there and let this sucker have it with all the details that I can muster. There's a lot of ground to cover: the separation from the job for which I left the practice (the practice was bad news, but the replacement was worse... paychecks bounced, the air was unstable, and there were other criminalistic activities from which I was pleased to depart), the acceptance of a position with a new firm (working with a group of amazing people led by one who is one of two of the most amazing of them all... lunches on the house from Yeero-Yeero and Superior Grill [AND?!!] daily Starbucks runs for towering cups of Americano's? It's even better than too good to be true; plus, the work is pretty fascinating), the suddenly failing health of my grandmother which continues to defy my brain (she was fine on the 4th of July, but has since rapidly decompensated to the point that I had to lay beside her on her bed to hear her talk today... just how does one's health get so critical so quickly?), my decision to go out on my own for a while and to just allow myself some time and opportunity to grow and to create and to figure things out, and - of course - the dissolution of The Shreveport Catalyst and my decision to move forward with the publication of my fiction through a new endeavor formed by a small group of vibrant aesthetes within the Shreveport-Bossier (and Benton) community. I feel certain that I have a ton more that I could write. There's always plenty on which Bruce wants filler, but I'm certain that this covers all the major, hot-button, pressing topics. Questions will be raised, and they will likely be answered via text.

For now, my notebook and sharpened pencil are calling my name. I picked them up earlier to write some, but put them back down when I realized that I really ought to make a quick entry here. At least to commemorate the end of August, the beginning of September, the coming of fall, and another day closer to Halloween.

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