30 June 2013

Late Sunday Afternoon

The weekend has been a great one, as evidenced (I suppose) by my obvious lack of postings throughout the past several days. My plan was to do as little as possible, and I'd like to write that my mission is accomplished, but I managed to fill up the majority of these two days off with as much recovery-, Brodie-, and friend-related interaction as possible. I figured this would be the case, which was the reason that I flatly stated "no" when Matt asked if I would come in for a meeting early Sunday morning. He asked why not, suggesting that I let him in on whatever plans I might have. I flatly explained that I had plans to do nothing, and I planned to keep my plans as such.

The bid committee met Friday afternoon at 6:30, and we reviewed the skit I wrote while I munched on a Tiger's Blood sno-cone (snow cone??? - that doesn't look right) that I'd gotten from the gas station beside the church. One of the best discoveries I've made since summer began is that that spot has a few great flavors to offer. Following bid committee business and the young people's meeting that came after, I came home to read

(Imperial Bedrooms by Bret Easton Ellis - I'm letting the Stephen King in 2013 have a little room to breathe for a while. I go in stages like this from time-to-time. I sometimes need to change my literary ramblings and enjoyments to a more serious, albeit darker, reality and to move away from the realm of horror, fantasy, and sci-fi)
while I waited for Brodie to show up and the real weekend to begin. I met with my dear friend, Tabi, after St. Luke's for what I hope will turn into a regular, or semi-regular, weekend ritual of fattening frappucino from Starbucks. I couldn't justify spending $80 to $120.00 on a pair of sneakers from New Balance, and I'm glad I was able to exert a little control over my spending.

I write all this to end my post by writing that the weekend was productive. I got to hear Andrew tell his story at Oakwood. We got to gorge ourselves on Johnny's Pizza and sleep until nearly ten AM on a bright, Sunday morning. It's back to work tomorrow, but it's going to be a short week.

It's ten minutes before seven, and I already can't wait for next weekend (which sort of begins on Wednesday this week) to arrive.

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