15 June 2009

Week 2 of 6 Week Summer Session Starts Today

Monday dawned and the heat in the Shreveport-Bossier metroplex is what can really only be described as "oppressive". Everyone around here seems to prefer the hot weather to the cold weather, but this is ridiculous. I much prefer the cool, crisp onset of autumn and the cold of January and February to this any day of the week. Ideally, I would be living in some coastal area a little farther to the north with four very distinct seasons and "heatwaves" that top the charts in the upper eighties or very low nineties. Does a place like that exist? One of the Carolina's? Farther north? Or maybe on the west coast... Oregon or Washington state.

I've spent the weekend relaxing and trying to give the back injection a chance to tame the wild beast that is this sickening pain in my lower lumbar and left leg. I was hoping that things were working, but this afternoon seems to be an indication that I am again being let down by modern medicine. I just don't want to be one of those people that has to take stuff on a regular basis to deal with the pain. I already have the stuff that I take to wipe out my tremors and the medication I take for the stuff with my IBS. I hate the idea of adding another pill to my daily regimen permanently. I was looking at my grandmother this weekend and the basket full of routine meds that she takes for the variety of problems that ail her in her eighties. I don't want to be at that point. I just want to finish nursing school, work for twenty or twenty-five years, then retire with very little that has to be done every day to maintain a tranquil existence.

I'm about to call the referring MDs and see what they say. Of course, they will probably tell me to wait and see. I'm tired of waiting to see. I want what I want and I want it yesterday.

Chemistry beckons along with the magical world of conversion factors and Scientific Notation and Density and formulas and all the other stuff that goes along with this necessary evil. Are there really people in the world that love this stuff? That think this is cool? More power to them. They are definitely the chosen ones in some respect. I am not a member of their club, nor am I a fan of their work.

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