03 August 2011

Day Three of the Hellish Heat on Day 80 of 101

Tonight's post is just to have one out there because I'm trying to remain as diligent as possible (of course, if you've followed me for a while, you know that this diligence and integrity kinda comes in spells when it comes to holding course with Disappearing Here).

I have to be up no later that 0430 to beat my fellow staff members to the office before 0630. While learning the rules and regulations of the operation, I'm trying to adhere to the normal office schedule, taking full advantage of the vast knowledge and expertise of each and every one of my teammates: they each have something special that they can bring to the table, and I need to glean as much as possible while I have the ability to do it.

Once I'm comfortable and ready to roll, I'll transition to my normal hours of Monday through Thursday, 0800 to 1700, and Fridays from 0800 to noon. I found my first real moment of stress today, but I sat back, took a deep breath and decided that -unlike my mindset in every previous position I've had- everything here does not absolutely have to be completed at once. I was comfortable just finishing what I could and allowing myself to leave what I could for tomorrow. More importantly, tomorrow, I plan to begin delegating some responsibility. I'm not totally comfortable doing that just no because I am still in the process of learning, but I have so much more information for which I need to gain further insight that I feel I am doing myself an injustice by sticking to any one procedure that I've already learned.

I need not pitter patter hither and yon at the mergence of State and Main. I need to get ready for sleep so that I can get up and look at everything with fresh eyes.

Deuces, peeps.

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