07 August 2011

Day 84 of 101

The problem I have isn't setting goals, but actually finding the time to attain them. One of the things I always write that I'm going to do daily is "blog." But then again, I also write that I want to find the time to exercise, write something creative, get in a little leisure reading, work in my journal, and those are only the routine headings. None of that encompasses any of the other things that I have to do to achieve a full twenty-four hours: waking up, getting ready for work, working, then cooling down and relaxing when I'm home, which is when all the secondary stuff can start to be crossed off. That's how it works in theory at least.

Book club was last night, and I enjoyed it. I was pleased that I wasn't the only one who'd not had the time to finish the book. We're planning to discuss it more fully and openly at the September meeting, which is Vicky's pick, Cane River. October is me, War and Remembrance. Because it's one of my summer reads that I've started and stopped and probably won't finish for another ten years if I don't sign up to do it for a book club. November will be Stephanie's book, Room, and Rhonda and Heather have yet to pick their next books.

We need some new blood in Book club. I have a few to whom I'm considering extending membership invitations.

It's 11:30 or thereabouts and I'm not nearly as tired as I ought to be and I have to be up and gulping some coffee in less than five hours to make it to the office by sometime around six. I should probably sign out.

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