24 August 2011

69 Days and Nights Dedicated to the Greatest Holiday on the Calendar and the Most Captivating Time of the Year...

I'm hoping that the latest topic that is now taking over my blog is one that will really hold my interest and keep me posting. After all, anything and everything that has something to do with the month of October and the thrillingly perfect day with which it ends is right up my alley and johnny-on-the-spot for the new direction I want to take this one last creative outlet that I have and never take full and proper advantage of - I always vow to have some new trend, but I never have the follow-through in the same gusto with which I start; however, I really think that this can be something positively worthy of the treasure trove of imagination that fills my mind in my spare time.

If you know me personally, you know that I love movies and music and literature and art, and I gulp down pretty much every branch of those mediums, but my most favored genre of those from which I might choose is horror. H.P. Lovecraft once wrote that "the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." The master of the mythos of Cthulhu was right. I don't know why I was initially drawn to this subsection of creativity, but I suppose it has something to do with some combination of the men and women who had their hands on the origins of my being, and I'm lucky to have a plethora of anecdotes that'll fit right in with the myriad ideas I have for the next sixty-eight days of my blogging life. Combine those interludes with my knowledge of the history of the horror story, my genuine adoration for horror cinema, and my ever-evolving and unquenchable thirst for seeing and doing and learning as much as I can about this one great category, and I can already see that the possibilities for the future of my blog between this time tonight and its future twin time on All Hallow's Eve are pretty much endless.

I was toying with the pursuit of a few other subjects and forays once the 101 Days and Nights of non-redeeming paths to redemption was complete, but I kept coming back to this one. When I first read the syllabus and reading list for this semester's English course, the last English I will take as an undergraduate, I felt as if some sort of strange destiny was smiling down on me and nodding an affirmation that I am, in fact, headed in the right direction. This research and reading-based course is focusing on the history of the horror story and the many tendrils of subsidiary subjects it influenced and gave birth to... this is going to be a great semester, and I want to enjoy every possible breath-taking moment to the best of my ability.

Like most of my former preliminary posts before beginning new treks in my blogging life, this one is short, incoherent, more than slightly disjointed and kind of wrecklessly streamed-of-subconscious, so I already know that I'm right where I'm supposed to be right now. I imagine that tomorrow's will begin to bring about the cohesion and stride I'm hoping I'll find right when the first tropical storms set their sights on the Gulf of Mexico and the seasonal cold fronts bring down their initiating glimpses into fall. I hope that those readers I have out there who remain slightly interested in seeing just where the hell I'm headed (if I actually get my irresponsible brain working toward some wordy work for others to read) will continue to stop by and check things out. And I hope that the coming days and nights and weekends bring you a few chuckles and nods and maybe one or two really engrossing ten-or-fifteen-minute-spans of genuinely enthralled interest. Keep following me. My promise is to make this next stretch of highway along the highway on which people are afraid to merge as much fun as possible.


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