23 May 2011

Day 8 of 101

Although I had a great weekend with my close friends, I am really looking forward to finishing out this week at work and doing as close to absolutely nothing as possible once Friday morning rolls around. The truth is, I feel as if I'm exacerbating my back pain with every additional step that I take between now and the surgical procedure scheduled to correct the underlying issue and alleviate the pain. After talking to a few people, I'm totally down on the idea of taking any form of narcotic medication until it becomes absolutely necessary, and I'd like to save that ordeal for the afternoon and evening of Monday, June 20 when I'm in surgical post-op and ready to start my road back to work.

I'd like nothing better than to just climb in bed and read myself to sleep, but I realize that I have to maintain my schedule, get a little writing under my belt, and try to squeeze in the remaining bits of my exercise routine that has been slimmed down to almost only consisting of intense stretching and push ups. Everything else totally jars my back and creates a form of leg pain that is otherwise totally avoidable. I learned this the hard way, and although I'm still very much focused on the physical aspects of my movement toward redemption, I've decided that I can wait until I'm fully recovered before I re-embark on the weight training and 5-K qualifications. That perfect body I'm striving to attain is going to be more likely to arrive closer to the end of the summer instead of the July 4th target date I'd originally set this past winter.

At this point, I'm really only rambling, and I don't think that these stream-of-consciousness, poorly edited posts really do much to enhance the content of this site, so I'm gonna get out of here. The most important thing is that I adhere to my commitment to post something every day for a period of 101 days. So far, so good, but I'm really not that far into the process.

Not only that, I really haven't gone into great detail about why I'm seeking redemption, what my steps are in the process, and what aspects of my life this matter entails. In brief, I will write that the idea is one that is wholly personal and beneficial to my soul in the long-run, but I'm doing it in a more public forum because I believe that an audience of my peers will be more likely to encourage and otherwise hold my feet to the fire with the goals I'm setting regarding my mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. It's all about total self-confidence and self-awareness that includes -hopefully- a step up along Maslow's pyramid to get one bit closer to self-actualization. Aspects include more structured writing, journaling, meeting attendance, meditation, financial integrity, physical stability, pecs (and abs and really nice arms), routine exercise, professional credibility, maybe a raise at work, more time with me and less time for others, and the completion of a short story to submit for publication in a major national magazine or some other literary resource. The story I'm currently working on is called The Deal, and although it is still very much in its infancy, I believe that it shows promise and has the ability to instill a greater sense of confidence in my abilities as a writer. Of course, I'm nowhere near ready to quit my sinecure at the B-wood and starve as an creative talent with no financial certainty; however, every day in this preliminary 101 is putting me one step closer to achieving that very outcome....it just may be many phases of the moon before the time is within sight.

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