17 July 2013

Christmas Eve... Well... Sort of...

What really gets me in the mood to write?

Tonight, it's incense (the Super Hit boxed stuff Gena sells at The Peace of Mind Center is pretty much right as rain for setting the ambiance and atmosphere to just the right decibel), fruit punch flavored water (the cheap, Brookshire's off-brand of Mio - I am, after all, poor), and a little noise in the background. Tonight, it's the 1993 television miniseries Tales of the City (for obvious reasons), but that's only while I compose and post this blog entry. Once I pull out the pencil and the notebook, after I've finished knocking out a few of the things that I have to do to get to a happy place where my brain is a little more clutter free and ready to create, it'll be some sort of zen sounds or meditative music that gets my brain whispering sweet nothing's onto the page. I do wish I'd made meditation tonight, but I never would have been able to accomplish everything else that I had to do after work today (basically Thursday since I'm jumping in the car with Meg and Ann first thing Friday morning to drive down to Metairie for the sober event of the season).

In no short order, I managed to squeeze in coming home from a dirty shift at the shop, get Mary Louise outside to pee and run around, grab a shower, throw a load of clothes in the washer, drive to the downtown library to interview the subject of my next article (a smaller one than the extended profile that I wrote on the mythical, legendary Shreveport artist, Kathryn Usher): the founder of Lumpy Grits, head from there to the Broadmoor branch of the same library system (because that's my home unit) to pick up the stuff I had on hold (the audio version of Orange is the New Black [for the trip down on Friday - it's Angie's pick for book club] and another book to aid my research in my upcoming super secret series on something(s) in Shreveport), drive to (Crac)kshire's to get some supper fixings, and then make it home to meet with my new neighbor who wanted to talk to me about hitting my roommate's scooter last week. All done in the span of less than three hours. I'm impressed.

Now that I've got the blog entry composed and ready to roll out, I'm ready to move on to the next steps in my creative process and almost ready to start creating. It's all I'm able to think about (the writing I'm about to do), and I'm excited to see the beginnings of the fruits of my labors in tomorrow's issue of The Shreveport Catalyst. Incredibly excited, nervous, thrilled... an event 34 years in the making.

It's all I've ever really wanted to do.

I'm not sure that I'll be able to concentrate on actually reading the next story in my copy of Night Shift, but I know that I need to get my ass moving on some more Stephen King. Once I get off-track of things like this, it can be difficult to get back on; however, this is an amazing time in my life. As stated somewhere before, it's all happening.

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