07 June 2010

Third Six Weeks Session

Today is the start of the third weeks summer session at NSU and the end of my brief period of freedom from checking messages and announcements and instructor posts until July 17th, when the session screeches to a halt and another, shorter break begins.

As always, I set the alarm on my cell for fifteen minutes prior to the time that I actually wanted to rise and start getting ready for my day. The beeps began at 0430 and the radio alarm blared its breath at 0445. Of course, I didn't actually get up on time. Instead, I jumped up to silence the radio and hit the cell snoozer about six times before finally resigning myself to the finality of the weekend and struggling to pull myself to the land of the living.

In a way, I feel a little sad that the break's already done, but the truth is I really don't know what I'd do with myself without deadlines and extra work towards my future and commitments and assignments and special projects that are all set to aid my nursing and addiction studies endeavors. I suppose I really should already be in the shower, but my clothes for today at Garden Park are already laid out and my lunch is made and it shouldn't take me more than twenty minutes to shower and shave and dress for the first day at work where my desk won't be littered with piles of everything that has been building and pressing and urging attention. I experienced a successful run last week as I completed everything that was anything, even putting the idea of going in over the weekend out of my mind as I knew I'd need the rest prior to a six week term that would suggest my attention on all sorts of personal endeavors in addition to scholastic stipulations.

At approximately 0701, I stubbed out a Marlboro Light (now, only Marlboro gold packs because to call a cigarette a "light" cigarette supposedly somehow suggests a less dangerously addictive cancer stick), and I already have the 21mg nicotine patch laid out on the counter and ready for its placement on the right upper deltoid - the other times I've done this, I've always started on the left, and I've never started the day with the last of my cigarettes to apply a patch later. I'm hoping that this time will be the time that I will be successful in my plan for cessation.

We shall say which way the wind blows. If I can quit smoking, then I know that I can beat just about anything as long as I put my heart and my soul and my determination into it. My plan is to document the sights and sounds and cravings and issues that arise here and to see how many days I can last.

Today is Day One.

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