13 February 2012

Nine Days

I've contemplated writing about this in my blog. The truth is, I haven't even written any of it into my journal, and I'm typically a lot more forthcoming with personal information there than I ever have been here... and I'm pretty open with things here.

Nine is a good, solid number, a great multiple of three. Danny would be proud.

What's more, it's also my birthday. Another good, solid multiple of three. Thirty-three.

Nine days ago, I decided to give up trying so hard to be the best at everything in an effort to just try to take a little more time getting to know me. And trying to do things differently. I thought I could handle life. I allowed a ton of preconceived notions about where I was heading drive me down a path that got me right back where I hadn't been in a long time.

Fortunately, things were nowhere near where they were the first time, when I was forced. Not anything close to the second go-round when I had to.
This time, I'm just doing this for me. Because I want to.

I'm going to try to be a little more honest in the days to come, try to be a little more open about where I am and where I have been and where I hope so desperately I'm heading.

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