07 February 2010

Julie & Julia and Thoughts on Friends and the Future

I had the opportunity of watching the movie Julie & Julia last night with my steady movie buddy, Jeremy. I was glad to finally have the opportunity to see the film after several months of hearing about it and never really finding the time to watch. It was worth the time of the wait, and Meryl Streep is definitely deserving not only of the Academy Award nomination for her role, but also deserving of taking another statue home to add to her collection.

The story of Julie Powell reminded me of the reasons I initially had for starting this blog. She wanted to write, to commit herself to something, to maybe find a bit of recognition for her talent. Those were all parts of the many motivating factors that got me to begin one myself. Her ideas and attitudes have me feeling that I should, perhaps continue in this endeavor. Like Julie Powell, there are far too many projects I've begun and never completely finished.

As if the movie wasn't enough to serve as a reminder of everything I ever wanted to do with my life, I opened a few long-closed drawers this afternoon to find an old poem I'd written several years ago. I was hoping to find those lines to reinvent them and pass them onto a friend who is looking for something similar to give to her husband in honor of the upcoming Valentine's Day. Instead of finding the poem, I found old journals. Some complete. Some incomplete. Many with very little linear sense. Mostly tangents and circumstantial deviations from whatever point I was trying to make. Wow. You can tell a lot about how far you've come when you look back at what you were back then.

...at the beginning of the movie, Jeremy voiced the same thing I was wondering while watching Julie lunch with three of her contemporaries (non of which seemed to be very deserving of her company). "Why is she friends with them?" he asked. It made me realize something that I've been feeling some degree of contemplative guilt toward for the last few weeks. I have a history of surrounding myself with people that I call friends, but really don't particularly care for or respect or enjoy spending any amount of time in the company of, but continue to call and see, detesting every minute. Things have been different for a while, though. In fact, the past few weeks have been a bit quieter and more relaxing. I realized that there is no need to waste any time or energy worrying about fitting in. When you have the right ones around you, the relationship never seems like such a chore. I'm glad to be a little more on my own now, more so than I ever have been in the past. I feel more secure, more pleased with my daily life.

Like Julie Powell, I realize that the small things really don't matter. It's what you do to make out of every second you've been given that really counts.

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